Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Moving Toward the National Primary

Most of this information comes from a nice post on Daily Kos.

The early primary calendar looks like this so far (number of delegates):

Iowa (39): 1/14
Nevada (22): 1/19
New Hampshire (19): 1/22
South Carolina (39): 1/29

Then on 2/5 (some of these may not be official yet): Alabama (45), Arizona (49), Arkansas (30), Delaware (13), Missouri (63), New Mexico (23), North Carolina (79), and Utah (20).

Now, with Florida (161) and California (322) looking to move up to Feb. 5, along with New Jersey (93) and Michigan (111), it looks like the national primary is effectively here.

This type of calendar will definately favor those that can raise tons of money quickly and may also help to produce a more national consensus candidate. Iowa and New Hampshire will no longer have the sole power in deciding the nominee early on. Some rumors also have Illinois looking to potentially move into the February 5th date as well. The mix of states is nice and should provide some very early answers as to who the nominee will be....then 6 months of waiting until the conventions!

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